Leafy Bio

Born in Perth as a Chris, I was reborn in life after being lost in the bush.

Now, after more than 7000 hours of practiced survival, I am an experienced survival and adventure instructor, and an educator on edible and medicinal plants. I’m also a qualified permaculture designer and outdoor recreationalist. In a past life I was also a butcher.

But what about when I got lost in the bush? Miserable and depressed, after a childhood wrought with drugs, alcohol and physical abuse, Chris, as I was then known, was seemingly on a path of destruction. I decided to go for a trail run. On my way back I took a wrong turn and found myself on a rock ledge in the middle of nowhere, having no idea how to get back to civilisation. As the sun dipped below the horizon, I realised I was lost. One helicopter rescue later, I embarked on the learning journey that took me to where I am today.  

Nature was my true rescuer and allowed me to reconnect to the earth and I see it’s great power in healing. The healing must take place cooperatively between the earth and humans as we are parts of the same nature. The destruction of the earth is the destruction of oneself.

Join me on this healing journey.  

Check out my other business, Bush Permaculture.